The Challenge

The climate crisis solution is YOU taking actions. To achieve the highly ambitious goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C (2.7°F) above preindustrial levels as agreed upon by world leaders in the Glasgow Climate Pact, and cut down on carbon emissions by 45 percent by 2030, we all need to reduce our consumption considerably starting NOW.

This climate actions challenge will get you started. 


Form teams of 2 to 6 members. The fun part may be to create a unique name for your team. One team member should be designated as the Team Captain. The Team Captain is responsible for recruiting, keeping track of the team status, and encouraging team members to take actions every day to earn points. Other members are Teammates.

The small team size ensures that the team captain can lead a more cohesive group. Teams can be drawn from family, friends, club members, churchgoers, colleagues and classmates. If you have more than 6 in a group, encourage the others to form a separate team. 

You are welcome to join the Challenge as an Individual without a team. 


SIGN UP and figure out which actions you can take before the Challenge opens on April 22. The actions are described in the Energy, Mobility, Nature, Sustainable Community, Waste and Water pages. Some of the actions, especially the one-time actions, may require advance planning. Regular actions can be something you do daily, occasionally, or for the first time. Any regular action taken at least once on a day in the Challenge period will be counted as 1. Do as many actions as possible.

The Challenge is based on the honor system. We ask that you be honest in your effort to save our planet.


From Earth Day on April 22 through May 13, log in your actions regularly to see your individual or team standing. Regular action can be daily or weekly. The maximum number of days you can take any Daily Action is 22. The maximum for any Weekly Action is 6. Individual points and team points will be updated automatically.

Team Captain – 25 points
Teammate – 5 points
One-time action – 100 points
Regular action – 10 points for each day
Bonus – 5 points for submitting your new actions to this website

Step 4. WIN

The top 3 winning teams as displayed on the Teams page will receive the awards of recognition:
#1 Team – SOLAR 
#2 Team -WIND 
#3 Team – HYDRO 

and the participant with the most points as displayed on the Participants page will receive the award:

#1 Individual – TREE

They will be notified on May 14. By making the team size small, everyone has a chance to win. The winning award recipients will be asked to supply a photo to post with the announcement on Facebook and Instagram.